Saturday, April 24, 2010

i wish i wish i wish....

i wish....
i wish...
i wish...
i can have a new panasonic lumix cam......
wiv the wide angle +  superb macro mode lens...

now m looking forward n saving for my nex brand new panasonic lumix cam again...
any recommended wiv resonable price???

i really need it b4 i m leaving to UK dis coming July...

i wish my dream would come true!

but i knw...
depending on what kind of dreams, it is different to obtain. 
But if it is something in real life, 
I guess the only way to make it come true is to work your goal towards that direction. 
Nothing is dropped from the sky and 
you can't rlly wish upon a shooting star everytime you want to make your dreams come true. 
But if you work for it, you can definitely make it come true!

so, pls do intro me mor freelances to make my dream come true.
anyone? kindly enuf to help me work towards my GOAL(new camera)?


Claire said...

you can buy it now, pay installment lor if you don't have that big amount.

H.O.O.I said...

when i heard of installment, i started to worry la.. house loan gona start soon........

Adeline said...

Wah.. go UK? vocation?

H.O.O.I said...

adeline: za bo, i m goin to my sis's grad la..goin alone somemor...

cheerYY said...

sis, chill, take plane alone nothing1 la, important thing is I will wait for you here in UK, hahaha